When you need a fast, easy way of joining together two metal sheets spot welding is a fast and simple solution. Spot welding works by pressing together the two pieces of metal and placing an electrode on each side of where the joint will be. Passing an electrical current between the electrodes will result in a joint being formed in the metal.
Why choose spot welding?
There are lots of reasons why spot welding is often the preferred method of joining pieces of metal.
An engineering discipline, mechatronics is the branch of the profession which handles the convergence between mechanical and electrical manufacturing systems. As such, it is often thought of by the industry as going hand-in-hand with related fields, such as robotics. A multi-disciplinary field of engineering, mechatronics requires an engineer to be well-versed in control processes, telecommunications systems, electronics, computer engineering and mechanical principles. As such, it tends to attract academically gifted engineers and those who have a grasp of processes across several industry sectors.
How much concrete do you use in your building projects? Concrete is a cheap, practical, and highly popular building material but it does have one significant problem. When concrete is poured it usually contains a lot of trapped air, this air reduces the density of the concrete which makes it more permeable and less strong. Concrete which is left in this weakened state will not prove durable and will soon require replacement.
Laser cutting equipment is a sophisticated machine that uses laser beams to cut through materials such as metal with pinpoint precision and at enhanced speeds. The benefit of laser cutting is that the cuts do not require reworks such as polishing and grinding to remove visual imperfections. Nowadays, fabricators can use computers to simulate laser-cutting tasks. Therefore, operators can estimate the duration of the laser-cutting process as well the exact number of pieces that would be produced over the period.
When it comes to shaping, cutting, and joining sheets of metal, many different techniques can be used. This article explores the most common, efficient and effective metal sheet fabrication techniques that are employed in industrial and manufacturing processes.
Resistance Welding
An important part of sheet metal fabrications involves joining two sheets of metal. Many techniques are used in this process in an attempt to achieve effective and high quality results, but few can compete with resistance welding.